
Novel bookwallets, wallets disguised as antique literature

Created by Westley Coleman

The World’s First bookwallet. Clothbound, Antique Illustrations, Vegan No-Plastic Leather. Your favorite book is also your wallet.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Novel Travelbooks Are Live. You Made This Possible! Thank you. Plan Your Next Trip!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 09:19:07 PM

Two years ago in 2020, We brought you the idea of bookwallets.

But you brought them to life.

Thank you. Your support & love of books has made all this possible.

Now we want to introduce to you our new project. Novel travelbooks. They are passport/notebook wallets disguised as antique books. Please support us! Thank you :)

Still Missing Your Order? We need to know! Please allow 48 Hours to respond! [email protected]
about 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 09, 2021 at 12:23:35 PM

G R E E T I N G S   A L L! 

My current read

This email/update concerns any person who has not received their packages!

When we look at orders we have shipped, we see several statuses that don't necessarily accurately reflect the actual whereabouts of the packages. So it is difficult to know which orders need our assistance. Therefore, it is important that we hear from you if you have not received your packages. That way we can distinguish which orders have been lost/extremely delayed, and which have been successfully delivered. Please email us at [email protected] that we may assist you.

  • If we have already heard from you, and we have responded, we would ask that you remain patient as you so humbly have. When you order ships, in most cases it remains out of our control. Please check your tracking number for updates. 
  • If you have emailed us and have not received a reply within 48 hours, please email us once more! We are sorry we missed you! 

Thank you for your continued patience, we will ensure everyone gets what they ordered in due time. :) 

Much Love

If you have not received your bookwallet... Domestic & International Updates. Game plan. Journaling!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 02:17:18 AM

H A P P Y      N E W       Y E A R 

Please ignore this update if you received your bookwallet(s). Unless you are an avid journaler, in which case there are some reflective year-end questions at the end.. 


  • If you are reside abroad, internationally, outside the United States, your shipping time is much longer and you should have no need for concern. However, tracking is still extremely limited, meaning that the status of your package is not an indication of the actual status of your package. Just pretend you ordered something in the 1800's (which is the year/setting of most of these antiques books anyway) :) If we missed your email or comment, and this answers your question, please consider this an answer to your question. NOTE: Backers are receiving their packages despite having no no status changes or updates. 
  • We will circle back to you if there are unexpected delays. I am confident that most of you will receive your bookwallets in the month of January. 
  • There are some international orders that have not shipped due to Brazils consignee tax id requirement. We will need to get tax id's to proceed so be attentive to our emails please! :)
  • There are other orders that are erroring because of the phone number formatting requirements. We are working through those now, thank you for your attention to our emails :) 


  • Tracking is extremely limited for domestic orders, meaning that the status of your package is not an indication of the actual status of your package. Just pretend you ordered something in the 1800's (which is the year/setting of most of these antiques books anyway) :) If we missed your email or comment, and this answers your question, please consider this an answer to your question. NOTE: backers are receiving their orders despite having no status changes or updates... 
  • Here is our game plan. USPS communicated that the packages could be delayed up to 10 days.. So we are declaring, that if you do not receive your bookwallets by the 7th of January (midnight of the 6th) We will inquire to USPS and if necessary, resend your order. If you do not receive your package by midnight of the 6th, please email us [email protected]. Please put your name in your subject line when you send the email! Thank you :)

Thank you again for your patience and goodness. We wish you good reflection & introspection as this year closes! Here are some questions my community journals and I journal through every year if yous the journalin' type. Use any or all if you please! Self awareness = growth & freedom.

1. Things you proud of accomplishing. 

2.  Failed at but learned from (or haven't learned yet).  

3.  What did you learn about yourself. 

4. Learned about God. 

5. How God was faithful. 

6. Highlights from the year. (looking through your phone photos is a good way to spark your memory)

7. For the next year, disciplines you want to grow in . 

8. Habits or mindsets you want to start, stop, or continue. 

9. Goals for the next year. 


Shipping Update! Answering your emails
about 4 years ago – Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 03:27:45 AM

Hello all! 

We are hoping to answer the multitude of your emails and shipping concerns with this update. Thank you for your continued patience! 

  • Many people are seeing “tracking info received” as their shipping status, or have not yet received an email about shipping.  This means USPS has not processed the order, even though ALL United States orders have been dropped off at a USPS facility.  This is saddening for us, as we worked very hard to ensure that all United States orders were dropped off at USPS carrier facilities on Tuesday the 15th.
  • We’ve spoken to multiple USPS representatives and facilities to understand the delays.  Due to a very high volume of packages across the country, COVID-19 vaccination distribution needs, underfunding for staff hiring, and more, the USPS representatives told us that many packages are expected to arrive nearly 10 days after their originally scheduled arrival.
  • We are planning on visiting several USPS facilities to check the status of orders that appear to have frozen at the facility.  
  • USPS first class shipping naturally has limited tracking, so we ask you be patient and know that we will get you your bookwallets, and we will not forsake you. :)  

These recent articles shed light on the shipping crisis. 

Furthermore, if  you have received your order and there is a problem with it, please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can! 

We will continue to update you all with any information we receive! 

With love,

Novel Team

3,500 down, 1,500 orders to go. All US orders will be shipped by tomorrow.
about 4 years ago – Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 12:09:54 AM

Good afternoon! (A TikTok my cousin made from helping us fulfill) 

  • I am nearly falling asleep as I write this haha
  • We will have shipped all domestic orders our by tomorrow! 
  • The shipping time is at most 3 working days, but its possible that it could be 5 working days due to processing time or potential minor delays with USPS. 


  • Okay I am back from a brief nap! :) 
  • Check your emails for shipping confirmations, and if you don't get any by the end of this Friday, please let me know at [email protected]. Check your spam!
  • We will finish shipping international orders this week! If you are an international backer, you may not get a shipping notification until Monday, so do not worry! Thank you for your patience and support!

This is a time lapse of packing Little Women orders while watching the Little Women movie 😂

I am so thankful for you! 

-Novel Family